Wormwood dried for as long as possible. Dried wormwood leaves are called wormwood. Wormwood leaves are dried, peeled, cut into powder and sifted to get the white and loose hairs called velvet wormwood. Here are 8 amazing uses of wormwood that you should know.
Get to know wormwood
Wormwood is a perennial grass with longitudinal grooves. Leaves alternate without stalks, 2 different leaf colors, smooth upper surface, dark green. The underside is ash white, with many small hairs. Wormwood grows wild in many parts of the country, can be grown around the house to make medicine. This is a medicinal plant that has many uses to treat many diseases. Wormwood dried for as long as possible. Dried wormwood leaves are called wormwood. Wormwood leaves are dried, peeled, cut into powder and sifted to get the white and loose hairs called velvet wormwood. Here are 8 amazing uses of wormwood that you should know.
The wonderful healing uses of wormwood
1. Wormwood as a menstrual medicine
A week before the expected menstrual period, take 6-12g (maximum 20g) each day with water or steep with boiling water like tea, divided into 3 times a day. Can be taken as a powder (5-10g) or as a concentrate (1-4g).
Wormwood has a very effective menstrual effect
If the menstrual period is irregular, every month to the date of the start of the period and also the days of menstruation, take 10g of dried wormwood, add 200ml of water, still 100ml, add a little sugar to drink, divided into 2 times/day. The dose can be doubled, also twice a day. After 1-2 days will see the effect, the person is less tired, the menstrual blood is red and less.
2. Wormwood helps with pregnancy
Those who are pregnant, if there is abdominal pain, bleeding, use 16g of wormwood leaves, 16g of perilla leaves, sharp with 600ml of water, 100ml of decoction, divided into 3-4 times/day. Effective remedies safe pregnancy. Wormwood does not have a stimulating effect on the pregnant uterus, so it does not cause miscarriage.
3. First aid for wounds with wormwood
Take crushed fresh wormwood leaves, add 1/3 teaspoon of salt to the wound, stop bleeding quickly, relieve pain,
4. Wormwood treats acne, rashes
Crushed fresh wormwood leaves, apply on the face, leave for about 20 minutes, then wash your face, doing so continuously will have pink and white skin. For children who often have heat rash, grind wormwood leaves and filter the water for children to bathe.
5. Wormwood cures sciatica, painful joints, dizzy headaches
Take 300g of wormwood washed, pounded, add 2 tablespoons of honey (flies, turmeric), squeeze the water to drink lunch and dinner. Drink continuously for 1-2 weeks.
6. Wormwood helps blood circulation to the brain
Take a handful of wormwood leaves, chopped, beat well with 1 egg, season with seasoning to taste, pour into the frying pan and eat.
7. Wormwood treats body weakness, poor appetite
Take 250gr of wormwood, 2 pears, 20gr of goji berries, 10gr of cloves, 1 chicken curry (evil chicken) 150gr, stew in 0.5 liters of water (add spices, seasoning powder) to 250ml. Divided into five sections, all-day dining. Continuous 1-2 weeks.
8. Wormwood treats colds, coughs, sore throats, headaches, neuralgia
Take 300g of wormwood, 100gr of eucalyptus leaves, 100gr of grapefruit leaves (or mandarin, lemon). Cook for 2 liters of water. Boil for 20 minutes, lift down, steam for 15 minutes. Method 2: Cook medicinal leaves with 100g of perilla leaves, 100gr of thick leaves, 50gr of lemongrass leaves in 1 liter of water to 0.5 liters. Drink every time you are thirsty, continuously for 3-5 days.
Wormwood is considered good for health, curing many diseases
Wormwood is considered good for health, but too much can also cause poisoning. Toxicity of wormwood when used in overdose is to make the central nervous system over-excited, leading to tremors in the limbs, then local or systemic convulsions; After a few times it can lead to seizures (spasticity), slurred speech, even paralysis. Microscopic examination can detect damage to brain cells. After recovering from the disease, they often leave sequelae such as forgetfulness, hallucinations, neuritis, etc.